Willy Wonka Logo

Roald Dahl’s timeless story of the world-famous candy man and his quest to find an heir comes to chocolate-covered life on Foundation Academy’s stage. Join us on a delightful journey into the whimsical world of ‘Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory,在那里,想象力无限,充满了甜蜜. 我们有才华的演员和工作人员, 我们赋予这些迷人的人物以生命, the magical factory, 还有这个受人喜爱的故事里最甜蜜的冒险. 准备好体验奇迹吧, the magic, 以及前所未有的《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》的纯粹想象. Join us for a delectable adventure that promises to leave your heart as sweet as a golden ticket.

Performance Dates

Performance Details

Ticket Prices

$10 -学生,FA员工和12岁以下儿童
$15 -普通门票 
$25 VIP Seating



We have several opportunities for you to participate in this theatrical production.
请将所有问题发送至 Christina.Haak@javicamino.com.

FA Senior 12 scaled

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